Andrej Singer

Andrej Singer

Associate Professor and Croll Sesquicentennial Fellow
Materials Science and Engineering
Bard Hall, Room 327
Director of Graduate Studies, MSE


Andrej Singer received his Ph.D. degree (2012) in Physics from the University of Hamburg, Germany in the lab of Prof. Edgar Weckert and Prof. Ivan Vartanyants, following a Physics diploma from the University of Muenster, Germany. He studied the properties of new x-ray sources, particularly their ability to generate interference patterns, similar to lasers in optics. He then worked as a Postdoc in the lab of Prof. Oleg Shpyrko at the University of California San Diego. He joined the faculty of the department of Materials Science and Engineering at Cornell in 2017. 

Research Interests

Our group uses state-of-the-art x-ray characterization to see inside complex nanomaterials during operation and harness the mesoscale phenomena for advanced functionality. Specifically, we are interested in understanding the fundamental interactions leading to increased electrocatalytic activity and durability of catalysts. We also apply x-ray imaging resonant and non-resonant diffraction to study ion intercalation and ion transport in materials for energy storage. Finally, we induce novel states in quantum materials and interrogate their properties with x-rays at free-electron lasers.

Teaching Interests

Structure of materials, mechanical properties, advanced x-ray characterization, and kinetics of materials

Selected Publications

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Cornell Engineering Research Excellence Award, 2023
  • Sloan Research Fellowship, 2023
  • Cornell Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, 2022
  • NSF CAREER Award, 2019
  • Best Ph.D. thesis at DESY award, Hamburg (shared with J. Hauk), 2013
  • Scholarship from Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, 2007-2008


  • University of Muenster, 2008
  • Ph.D. University of Hamburg, 2012


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