Stephen Colucci

Stephen Colucci

Professor Emeritus


Stephen J. Colucci is a professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. He joined the Cornell faculty as an associate professor in 1988 after serving as an assistant professor at the University of Virginia for six years. Colucci is a member of the American Meteorological Society, Sigma Xi, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, the New York Academy of Science, the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, and the American Geophysical Union.

Research Interests

Dr. Colucci's research concerns the dynamics of large scale midlatitude weather systems such as cyclonic storm systems and anticyclonic fair weather systems with recent interest in the role of the stratosphere in the lifecycles of these systems. His research and teaching are in the general area of atmospheric science, with the goal of learning more and informing students about weather systems and processes.

Teaching Interests

Simple mathematical models are used to explain the observed structure and behavior of the atmosphere, illustrated with analyses of actual weather systems and with computational diagnoses of weather data.

Selected Publications

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Gokhale-Feng Award for Distinguished Doctoral Research in Atmospheric Science from the University at Albany, 1983
  • Presidential Award for Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation from the University at Albany, 1983


B. S., 1976: Atmospheric Science and Mathematics, University at Albany
M. S., 1979: Atmospheric Science, University at Albany
Ph. D., 1982: Atmospheric Science, University at Albany