Peer Mentoring
Want advice about the ins and outs of Cornell Engineering, Cornell University, and Ithaca?
Join the Office of Inclusive Excellence peer mentoring program — CU EMPower!
Upperclassmen & Graduate students: Are there things that you know now that you wish you knew when you first came to Cornell?
First Year Undergraduates and Incoming Transfer Students: Are you looking for an inside scoop from your peers?
Consider joining CU Empower, a peer mentoring program sponsored by the Office of Inclusive Excellence!
About CU EMPower
CU EMPower is a mentoring program that supports the personal and academic development and achievement of first-year undergraduates, as well as new transfer students, by matching them with upperclassmen and/or advanced graduate student peer mentors.
CU EMPower mentors and mentees commit just a small amount of time but develop mentoring partnerships that help them thrive during their time at Cornell and beyond:
- Monday group events once a month.
- Additional 1-3 hours per month for one-on-one interaction with your mentee(s)/mentor(s). Meet in person, over the phone, or by email and text messages.
Join CU EMPower
To join CU EMPower for the 2024-25 school year, please fill out the application linked below: