students smiling

Career Resources for Undergraduates

Cornell Engineering Career Center is tailored to meet the needs of students pursuing technical careers. We work with you in navigating the career exploration and development process.

Our goal is to empower students to create lifelong career success. We assist students in exploring careers, internships, co-ops and full-time jobs; preparing for interviews, evaluating and negotiating job offers, and more!

We offer targeted services and resources for undergraduate and graduate students, and employers. Our team specializes in working with students one on one and in small groups to develop individualized career exploration and planning strategies. Meet with an advisor when you are ready to get started!

Career Development Toolkit 

The Career Development Toolkit is your go-to Cornell resource for career-related information on topics such as job search strategies, networking, resumes, and more! Content is organized in discrete modules that can be completed any time, in any order, and at your own pace.

Career Development Toolkit

The Career Development Toolkit presents modules on:

  • Resumes, Portfolios, and Professional Correspondence
  • Career Readiness, Exploration, and Job Searching
  • Networking and Interviews
  • Career Fair Preparation
  • Careers including Software Engineering, Data Science, and Entrepreneurship
  • Personal or Social Identity-Related Job Search Tools
  • International Student Resources
  • and more!

Career Outcomes & Surveys

We are currently collecting Post Graduate Survey responses for December 2024, May 2025, and August 2025 graduates. Respond to the survey here!

Want to see survey outcomes? Check out the Cornell Outcomes Dashboard.

Additional Information

The Career Development Toolkit is the prime resource for career readiness, exploration and searching for jobs and internships. Below, we offer additional resources:

Exploring Career Options

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As an engineering student, you have many career options! We encourage a developmental process in which you learn more about yourself and explore options to develop your focus, and then take action to pursue opportunities. After you review the Exploration module in the Career Development Toolkit, schedule a meeting with a Career Advisor to discuss your interests. In addition, our office offers a for-credit career development course called ENGRG 2350 (see ENGRG 2350 video).

Workshops, Events, and Career Fairs

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We advertise career-related fairs, workshops and events in Handshake, our online career platform where employers also post internships and full-time positions. The Job Search module covers how to use Handshake and the Virtual Career Events module specifically includes information about career fairs and other events.

To request a workshop, please use the Engineering Career Center Workshop Request Form. Be sure to check Handshake first, to see if there are any upcoming workshops on the same subject. When completing the form, be sure to note any group(s) you will be collaborating with, and what steps your group will be taking to promote the event and ensure attendance. Please submit your request at least 2+ weeks in advance (we are better able to accommodate requests with advanced notice). Email us at with any questions or issues related to completing the form.

Interview Preparation

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Wondering what you should expect in an interview and how best to prepare? The Interviewing module in the Career Development Toolkit includes information on interview structures and formats, questions, case and technical interview preparation, professional attire, and more. Our office offers practice interviews to help you prepare to shine in an interview.

Résumés and Professional Correspondence

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Preparing a resume and crafting effective professional correspondence are fundamental career skills to develop. The Resumes and Letters modules provide resources and information to get you started. Once you’ve drafted your resumes or cover letter, our office can review it with you.

Entrepreneurship Resources

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Embark on your entrepreneurial journey with Entrepreneurship Module in the Career Development Toolkit. Here, you can explore the exciting world of entrepreneurship, envision your future career path, and discover valuable Cornell resources designed to support budding entrepreneurs. Learn how to kickstart your entrepreneurial endeavors, find opportunities with start-ups, and explore related career paths. Equip yourself with the knowledge and resources to thrive in the world of innovation and enterprise.


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Discover the world of research with the comprehensive Research Module in the Career Development Toolkit. In just 25-30 minutes, you'll explore the essence of research, its diverse applications across disciplines, and assess how it can impact your career development. Learn how to secure funding, leverage undergraduate research for career growth, and gain recognition for your contributions.

Want to discuss research options with an Engineering Career Advisor? Schedule an appointment using Chatter - select Engineering Career Center, then Career Exploration and Advising.

Funding Resources

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Here are some funding resources*, including research and internship opportunities:

  • Use the search feature to find information about research opportunities, travel grants, and scholarships that are directed by or affiliated with Cornell.
  • Andrew Kohut Fellowship: The fellowship is open to all undergraduate and graduate students. Kohut Fellows conduct public opinion-focused research and use data from the Roper Archives, and will receive a $4,000 stipend for the summer.
  • Cornell Cooperative Extension: Offers summer internships throughout New York State.
  • Tompkins County Association: Offers opportunities for students who want to spend the summer in the Ithaca area.
  • CALS Undergraduate Student Grants: Funding is available to undergraduate students for research expenses, including travel to a professional meeting or conference to present findings. Students must work with faculty members to develop scientifically relevant and well-circumscribed research proposals.
  • Cornell Biological Field Station (CBFS): Through research, interns contribute to the improved management of forest-based natural resources. The program is open to all undergraduate students. Interns are expected to enroll in three credit hours of independent studies in the fall semester to complete their summer research/extension project and a final paper, and participate in the undergraduate research symposium.
  • Dean of Students Access Fund: The goal of this fund is to provide enrolled full-time undergraduate, graduate, and professional Cornell students with access to financial support, up to $500, to help mitigate on-campus barriers, access basic necessities, and cover emergency expenses not covered through financial aid or other university resources.
  • Engineering Learning Initiatives: Open to undergraduate students in the College of Engineering or Biological and Environmental Engineering (BEE). Funding is available for academic terms as well as summer to support research. Students and faculty identify one another to prepare and submit a research proposal for funding. Students are expected to submit a final report and participate in an oral or poster presentation.
  • Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship: The program invites recent alumni to apply for fellowships in Washington, DC. Selected individuals will work with nonprofit, public-interest organizations addressing peace and security issues.
  • Jiang Fellows: The Jiang Fellows program at Cornell University's College of Engineering is an intensive entrepreneurship initiative designed for juniors keen on exploring startup ventures. It begins with a spring semester course that delves into essential entrepreneurial principles, preparing students for a summer internship at a startup of their choice. During this internship, students receive weekly stipends and travel support, while gaining hands-on experience and mentorship from startup executives. The program fosters professional growth through connections with alumni and entrepreneurial leaders, culminating in a final presentation showcasing their summer's achievements.
  • *Cornell's Shoals Marine Laboratory: Offers unique opportunities for students to experience marine science through summer research internships. Provides room and board, stipend, and round-trip boat transportation. The research internships are on Appledore Island, in the Gulf of Maine. Open to all undergraduate students.
  • Student Assembly Summer Experience Grant: The Student Assembly Summer Experience Grant (SEG) aids students to complete summer unpaid or minimally paid career-related experiences. Open to all undergraduate students.
  • Engineering Student Travel Funding: Registered undergraduate students in the College of Engineering are eligible to apply to the Bartels fund to support domestic travel and/or the Woods fund to support international travel for academic experiences (e.g., conferences, research opportunities, winter or summer programs). Funding covers ONLY travel and lodging. Students may receive funding once only from each source during their undergraduate career. Award maximums are $1000 for domestic travel and $1500 for international travel.

*As deadlines may change, always check the program's page directly for the most up-to-date information.

Internship Credit

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The College of Engineering does not give credit for internships.  However, some companies require students to receive academic credit in order to work an internship with that company.   In these cases, it is the policy of the College of Engineering that students will receive academic credit only upon the successful completion of an independent study with faculty, the semester following the completion of their internship.  It is the student’s responsibility to find a faculty advisor to oversee the independent study.

ENGRG 4998 Engineering Practical Training: This independent study course offers engineering students an opportunity to reflect on professional and personal growth, challenges, and opportunities resulting from a recent internship in the USA. Prerequisite: intended for undergraduates in engineering majors who require work authorization for an employer other than Cornell.