David Forbes Delchamps
David F. Delchamps is originally from Mountain Lakes, NJ. He majored in electrical engineering as an undergraduate at Princeton and received his doctorate in applied mathematics from Harvard. Since 1982 he has been on the faculty of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a member of the Center for Applied Mathematics at Cornell, where he is currently an associate professor. He is the author of a number of technical articles along with the book State Space and Input-Output Linear Systems (Springer, 1988). He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of the American Mathematical Society. He does research in the broad area of control and systems theory, and has a special interest in applying ideas from dynamical systems theory and evolutionary game theory to the modeling and analysis of large complex systems.
Research Interests
Applications of dynamical systems theory to control and signal processing; evolutionary game theory, with applications to large complex systems.
Teaching Interests
Recently I have taught three courses on a regular basis. One is ECE 3250, Mathematics of Signal and System Analysis, which is an important course for students intending to concentrate in the systems area of ECE. Another is ENGRI 1260, Introduction to Signals and Telecommunication, now retired. The third is a course related to my research, ECE 4271, Evolutionary Process, Evolutionary Algorithms, Evolutionary Games. I have also taught ECE 5210, Linear System Theory, many times; ECE 4670, Digital Communications, one time; and ECE 2200, Signals and Information, one time.
Service Interests
ECE Curriculum and Standards Committee Cornell University Faculty Committee for three years ending in 2013 Chair, College of Engineering Academic Integrity Hearing Board (July 2012 - present) Cornell Educational Policy Committee (three recent terms as Chair, including July 2013 - present) Cornell Faculty Senator from ECE CU President's Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs CU President's Council on Mental Health and Welfare ECE Undergraduate Advising Coordinator ECE Curriculum and Standards Committee ECE Policy Committee 2012 - 2015
Selected Publications
- 1996."Polynomial and Matrix Fraction Descriptions." In The Control Handbook, edited by William S. Levine, 481-494. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. .
- 1994."Truncated Fractal Basin Boundaries in the Pendulum with Nonperiodic Forcing." Journal of Nonlinear Science4(4): 315-328. .
- 1993."Nonlinear Dynamics of Oversampling A-to-D Converters." Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, TX, December. .
- 1990."Stabilizing a Linear-System with Quantized State Feedback." IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control35(8): 916-924. .
- 1992."Quantizer Dynamics and Their Effect on the Performance of Digital Feedback Control Systems." Proceedings of the 1992 American Control Conference, Chicago, IL, June. .
Selected Awards and Honors
- Kenneth A Goldman ’71 Excellence in Teaching Award 2021
- Michael Tien ’72 Excellence in Teaching Award2015
- College of Engineering Tau Beta Pi Award for Excellence in Teaching2015
- Kendall S. Carpenter Advising Award2009
- Sonny Yau '72 Award for Excellence in Teaching(2009
- Cornell University IEEE Student Branch Award for Excellence in Teaching2004
- BS(Electrical Engineering),Princeton University,1976
- MS(Engineering),Harvard University,1977
- Ph D(Engineering),Harvard University,1982