Jefferson William Tester

Jefferson W. Tester

David Croll Sesquicentennial Fellow and Professor
Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
254 Olin Hall


Dr. Tester is a professor of sustainable energy systems in the Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Cornell University. He also serves as principal scientist for Cornell’s Earth Source Heat project. Dr. Tester is a Croll Energy Fellow and a Fellow in the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future. Prior to his appointment at Cornell in 2009, Dr. Tester was the H.P. Meissner Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he served as Director of MIT's Energy Laboratory (1989-2001) and Director of MIT's School of Chemical Engineering Practice (1980-1989). His research on geothermal and biomass energy extraction and conversion and environmental control technologies has resulted in over 300 scientific publications and 13 co-authored books. Dr. Tester is a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and was a member of the IPCC's Working Group on Renewable Energy Sources, and advisory boards of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the American Council of Renewable Energy, and Idaho National Laboratory.

Research Interests

Energy/Resource Related Problems – Thermal-hydraulic processes for geothermal energy extraction in subsurface rock reservoirs - Geothermal reservoir engineering (tracer transport and rock–water interactions in fractured geothermal reservoirs) - Geothermal heat pumps for integrated cooling and heating applications - Deep drilling in hard rock using chemical-assisted hydrothermal jets - Recovery of critical energy materials using supercritical fluid extraction - Thermochemical liquefaction and gasification processing of waste biomass feedstocks – Integrated energy systems analysis of renewable biomass and geothermal including life cycle and technoeconomic assessment

Applied Thermodynamics and Kinetics – Chemical kinetics and phase equilibria in hydrothermal and supercritical media - Molecular simulations of condensed matter – Thermodynamic and transport properties of aqueous organic and electrolyte mixtures for thermal energy recovery and storage and power cycle applications.

Teaching Interests

Energy systems analysis methods, renewable energy and fossil energy technologies, emphasis on applying quantitative methods using thermodynamic, kinetic and transport fundamentals in the context of scalable practical energy processes operating under environmental and economic constraints. Focused emphasis on geothermal, solar, bioenergy and energy storage technologies that highlight collaborative research with several groups in engineering and agriculture at Cornell.

Selected Publications

  • Tester, J.W., S. Beyers, J.O. Gustafson, T.E. Jordan, J.D. Smith, J. Al Aswad, K.F. Beckers, R. Allmendinger, L. Brown, F. Horowitz, D. May, T.M. Khan, and M. Pritchard, “District geothermal heating using EGS technology to meet carbon neutrality goals: A case study of earth source heat for the Cornell University campus,” Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2020, Reykjavik, Iceland (April 26 – May 2, 2020).
  • Tester, J.W., K.F. Beckers, A.J. Hawkins, and M.Z. Lukawski, “The evolving role of geothermal energy for decarbonizing the United States,” Energy & Environmental Science 14, 6211-6241 (December 2021).
  • Kassem, N., M. Pecchi, A.R. Maag, M. Baratieri, J.W. Tester, and J.L. Goldfarb, “Developing decision-making tools for food waste management via spatially explicit integration of experimental hydrothermal carbonization data and computational models using New York as a case study,” ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, (December 2022).
  • Sudibyo, H., and J.W. Tester, “Probing elemental speciation in hydrochar produced from hydrothermal liquefaction of anaerobic digestates using quantitative X-ray diffraction,” Royal Society of Chemistry, Sustainable Energy Fuels 6, 5474-5490 (October 2022).
  • Beckers, K.F., N. Rangel-Jurado, H. Chandrasekar, A.J. Hawkins, P.M. Fulton, and J.W. Tester, “Techno-economic performance of closed-loop geothermal systems for heat production and electricity generation,” Geothermics 100, 102318 (March 2022).

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Elected to National Academy of Engineering, 2021
  • Excellence in Teaching Award (Cornell College of Engineering), 2013
  • Special Achievement Award (Geothermal Resources Council (GRC)), 2011
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry,  2010
  • Outstanding Faculty Member Award 5 times in Chemical Engineering, MIT (2004, 2001, 1990, 1987, 1986)
  • Institute-wide Graduate Student Council Teaching Award, MIT (1990)


B.S. (Chemical Engineering), Cornell University, 1966

M.S. (Chemical Engineering), Cornell University, 1967

Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1971


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