Jingjie Yeo

Jingjie Yeo

Assistant Professor
Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
413 Upson Hall


Jingjie Yeo's research website

Before joining Cornell University in 2020, Jingjie Yeo was a research scientist in the Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore. As a co-PI, he worked on developing cutting-edge, silk-based cosmeceuticals. He also collaborated closely with Procter & Gamble for molecular dynamics (MD) modeling of keratins and pigment cells. Prior, he was a postdoc at both Tufts University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he developed and performed numerous multiscale simulations with density functional theory (DFT) and fully-atomistic to coarse-grained MD modeling on a broad variety of biomaterials such as squid skin, silk and silk-elastin-like proteins, and graphene. He received his Ph.D. and his B.Eng. degrees from Nanyang Technological University Singapore.


Research Interests

Jingjie Yeo’s research focuses on interdisciplinary studies of material and biological phenomena by advancing multiscale, multi-physics computational methods and simulations. He aims to characterize and predict the mechanical, chemical, optical, and electrical structure-function relationships of polymers, bio-polymers, and bio-inspired materials of various morphologies. With additional techniques from machine learning and computational biology, he investigates phenomena related to the human microbiome as a living material for engineering purposes. Through his research, he will propel the development of dynamically-responsive materials and design synthetic biological platforms for engineering and medical applications.

Selected Publications

  • Zhang N, Cheng Y, Hu X†, Yeo JJ†. Towards rational algorithmic design of collagen-based biomaterials through multiscale computational modeling. Curr Opin Chem Eng. 2019; 24: p. 79-87 (†Co-corresponding Authors)
  • Williams TL*, Senft SL*, Yeo JJ*, Martín-Martínez FJ, DiBona CW, Chen C-T, Martin CA, Kuzirian AM, Gomes CM, Rosenthal JC, MacManes MD, Chu F, Buehler MJ, Hanlon RT, Deravi LF. Dynamic Pigmentary and Structural Coloration within Cephalopod Chromatophore Organs. Nat Commun. 2019; 10(1): p. 1004 (*Contributed equally).

    Featured in:

New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/07/science/squid-camouflage-colors.html

News@Northeastern: https://news.northeastern.edu/2019/03/05/the-secret-of-squids-ability-to-change-colors-may-lie-in-an-unexpected-sparkle-on-its-skin/?linkId=100000005310037

Marine Biological Lab: https://www.mbl.edu/news/squid-skin-reveals-elegant-interplay-coloration-strategies

Science Daily: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/03/190306152406.htm


  • Leong WS*, Wang H*, Yeo JJ, Martín-Martínez FJ, Zubair A, Shen P-C, Mao Y, Palacios T, Buehler MJ, Hong J-Y, Kong J. Paraffin-Enabled Graphene Transfer. Nat Commun. 2019; 10(1): p. 867 (*Contributed equally).

Featured in:

MIT News: http://news.mit.edu/2019/paraffin-wrinkles-manufacture-graphene-0306

Market Business News: https://marketbusinessnews.com/coating-graphene-wax/198415/


  • Yeo JJ, Huang W, Tarakanova A, Zhang YW, Kaplan DL, Buehler MJ. Unraveling the Molecular Mechanisms of Thermo-responsive Properties of Silk-Elastin-Like Proteins by Integrating Multiscale Modeling and Experiment. J Mat Chem B. 2018; 6: p. 3727-3734
  • Zhu Z, Ling S, Yeo JJ, Zhao S, Tozzi L, Buehler MJ, Omenetto F, Li C, Kaplan DL. High-strength, durable all-silk fibroin hydrogels with versatile processability toward multi-functional applications. Adv Funct Mater. 2018; p. 1704757

Selected Awards and Honors

  • 2016: Best Industry Project Award (Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore)
  • 2016: Postdoctoral Fellowship (A*STAR Graduate Academy, Singapore)
  • 2010: Graduate Scholarship (A*STAR Graduate Academy, Singapore)


B.E.  (Aerospace Engineering),  Nanyang Technological University Singapore,  2010

Ph.D.  (Computational Materials Science and Engineering),  Nanyang Technological University Singapore,  2014


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