Keith Evan Green
Keith Evan Green is a Professor at Cornell University in both the department of Human Centered Design and the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Prior to joining Cornell's faculty, Green was Professor and Mickel Endowed Chair of Architecture and Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Clemson University, and founding director of the Clemson University Institute for Intelligent Materials, Systems and Environments. Green earned B.A., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Masters of Architecture degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is a licensed architect and a Senior Member of IEEE.
Research Interests
Working at the interface of architectural design, robotics, and psychology, Green's trans-disciplinary Architectural Robotics Lab develops, prototypes, and evaluates cyber-physical environments and their components supporting and augmenting an increasingly digital society. The Architectural Robotics Lab recognizes the physical, built environment, from furniture to the metropolis, as a next frontier of robotics and computing. Informed by human needs and wants, Green's lab strives to realize techno-ecological systems that cultivate interactions across people and their surroundings that define places of social, cultural and psychological significance. Research foci include: HRI, continuum robots and other novel manipulators, non-anthropomorphic robot design, and non-verbal human-robot communication. Green's research trajectory is considered in his book Architectural Robotics: Ecosystems of Bits, Bytes, and Biology (MIT Press, 2016).
Selected Publications
- Green, K. E. 2016. Architectural Robotics: Ecosystems of Bits, Bytes and Biology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Sabinson, E., Pradham, I., and Green, K. E. 2021. "Plant-Human Embodied Biofeedback (pheB): A Soft Robotic Surface for Emotion Regulation in Confined Physical Space.” The Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interactions (ACM TEI).
- Kocher, D. Bendheim, J. and Green, K. E. 2021. "Design and Evaluation of an Affective, Continuum Robotic Appendage for Child-Robot Interaction.” The 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (IEEE RO-MAN).
- Threatt, A. L., Merino, J., Green, K. E., Walker, I. D. Brooks, J. O. and Healy, S. 2014. “An Assistive Robotic Table for Older and Post-Stroke Adults: Results from Participatory Design and Evaluation Activities with Clinical Staff.” The 2014 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI).
- Kapadia, A., Walker, I. D., Green, K. E., Manganelli, J., Houayek, H., James, A., Kanuri, V., Mokhtar, T., Siles I., and Yanik, P. 2014. "A Novel Approach to Rethinking the Machines In Which We Live: A Multidisciplinary Course in Architectural Robotics." IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine [RAM], 21(3), September 2014.
Selected Awards and Honors
- The Jean and Douglas McLean Professor of Human Centered Design (Cornell University) 2023
- Best and Honorable Mention Papers at CHI’23 (ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems), IDC’20 (ACM Interaction Design & Children), and DIS’18 (ACM Designing Interactive Systems)
- Senior Member, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2015
- The Homer Curtis Mickel and Leola Carter Mickel Endowed Chair in Architecture (Clemson University) 2015
- Awarded the Fulbright Visiting Canadian Chair (Technology, Industry and the Environment) 2014
- B.A. (Psychology), University of Pennsylvania, 1985
- M.Arch. University of Illinois at Chicago, 1990
- Ph.D. (Architecture), University of Pennsylvania, 1998