Warren R. Zipfel

Warren R. Zipfel

Associate Professor
Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering
Weill Hall, Room B41


Warren Zipfel's research focus is on the development and application of optical microscopy for biomedical research and for clinical imaging applications using nonlinear microscopy, endoscopy and laparoscopy. The biological research focus in his lab is in the area of optical detection of cancer, and collaborative studies in cancer biology using transgenic mouse models of ovarian, mammary and prostate cancer. He serves as Director of the Developmental Resource for Biophysical Imaging and Optoelectronics (DRBIO), the NIH-funded center that originally developed multiphoton imaging in 1990. The Zipfel lab is also involved in numerous optical instrumentation development projects and the creation of new bioanalytical methods for studies in cell signaling and regulation.

Research Interests

Selected Publications

  • Lukk, T., R E. Gillilan, D M. Szebenyi, W R Zipfel.  2016. "A visible-light-excited fluorescence method for imaging protein crystals without added dyes.."  Journal of Applied Crystallography 49 (1): 234-240.
  • Kushner, M., A. Van Slyke, F. Rinaldi, A. Singh, J. Lis, A. Bogdanove, W Zipfel.  2016. "Examining Tale Protein Binding Kinetics and Site Competition using Single Molecule Imaging."  Biophysical Journal 110 (3): 238a-238a.
  • Singh, A., M. Sirenko, A. Song, P J. Kammermeier, W R Zipfel.  2016. "Stoichiometric Analysis of Protein Complexes by Cell Fusion and Single Molecule Imaging."  Biophysical Journal 110 (3): 637a-638a.
  • Sirenko, M., A. Singh, A. Song, P. Kammermeier, W Zipfel.  2016. "Determining the Stoichiometry of EGFR and ADRβ2 using Cell Fusion and Single Molecule Imaging."  Biophysical Journal 110 (3): 640a-640a.
  • Van Slyke, A L., A. Singh, F. Cupri Rinaldi, A J. Bogdanove, J T. Lis, W R Zipfel.  2016. "Investigating the Kinetics and Specificity of Transcription Activator-Like Effector Binding using High Throughput Single Molecule Imaging."  Biophysical Journal 110 (3): 640a-640a.

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Avtar Singh - NSF Fellowship 2010


  • B.S. (Biochemistry), Cornell University, 1987
  • Ph.D. (Biophysics), Cornell University, 1993

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