Faculty Stories
Tracy Brandenburg and Sirietta Simoncini Senior Lecturers in Systems Engineering, Breaking rules to see things differently
Lance Collins Joseph Silbert Dean of Engineering, Breaking rules to see things differently
Craig Fennie Professor of Applied and Engineering Physics, Breaking rules to advance engineering science
Julius Lucks Professor of Chemical Engineering, Breaking rules to advance engineering science
Darrell Schlom Chair of Materials Science and Engineering Dept., Breaking rules to rethink research hypotheses
David Schneider Lecturer in Systems Engineering, Breaking rules to apply theories to immediate problems
Robert Shepherd Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Breaking rules to push the limits of imagination
Julie Nucci Adjunct Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Breaking rules to improve K-12 education
Ulrich (Uli) Wiesner Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Breaking rules to fight cancer
Michael King Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Breaking rules to fight cancer in new ways
Ankur Singh Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Breaking rules to engineer the human immune system
Bruce Land Senior Lecturer in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Breaking rules to help students make great things happen
Katie Keranen Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Breaking rules to inject science into policy debates
Christopher Batten Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sweating the details to make it right
Damian Helbling Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Changing the way we look at water
Greg McLaskey Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Breaking rules (and rocks) to understand earthquakes
David Hysell Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Unraveling the mysteries of the ionosphere
Patrick Reed Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Systems Engineering, Questioning the status quo to explore new ideas
Matthew Pritchard Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Seeing the Earth differently to improve volcano forecasting
Toby Ault Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Testing climate models to make them better
Linda Nozick Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Using math to explain the unexplainable
Tobias Hanrath Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Breaking down boundaries between academics and industry
Ricardo Daziano Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Breaking rules to expand the field of civil engineering
Ruth Richardson Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Befriending microbes to make a cleaner environment
Sara C. Pryor Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Using data to create actionable climate projections
John Thompson Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Breaking rules to bring people together in the 'radical middle'
Matt DeLisa Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Breaking rules to revolutionize vaccine production
Jan Lammerding Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Breaking rules to collaborate across disciplines and fight disease
Nozomi Nishimura Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Inventing new ways to see inside living tissue
Chris Xu Professor of Applied and Engineering Physics, Shattering expectations to learn about the brain
Roseanna N. Zia Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Breaking new ground to explain the behavior of complex fluids
Lena Kourkoutis Professor of Applied and Engineering Physics, Breaking rules to see below (and at) the surface
Jonathan Butcher Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Understanding the heart's microenvironment to engineer healthy cardiovascular tissue
Claudia Fischbach Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Breaking down barriers to learn more about cancer
Gregory Fuchs Professor of Applied and Engineering Physics, Controlling electrons in a whole new way
Shane Henderson Professor of Operations Research and Information Engineering, Using math to improve life
Frank Wise Professor of Applied and Engineering Physics, Following his curiosity and improving medical technology
Joel Brock Professor of Applied and Engineering Physics, Director of CHESS, Using x-rays to understand the world
Jack Muckstadt Professor of Operations Research and Information Engineering, Breaking rules to solve problems
Peter Frazier Professor of Operations Research and Information Engineering, Creating models to help people make better choices
Andreea Minca Professor of Operations Research and Information Engineering, Asking questions to manage risk
David Shmoys Professor of Operations Research and Information Engineering, Embracing complexity to solve difficult problems
Daniel Selva Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Combining humans and computers to make better systems
Peter Diamessis Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Breaking rules to see deeper
Abe Stroock Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Using plants to learn more about water and human tissue engineering
Christopher Kemper Ober Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Creating new materials to make a better future
Rick Johnson Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Breaking rules to create a new field of study
Susan Daniel Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Breaking rules to see things more clearly
Jose Martinez Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Breaking rules to reimagine computer architecture
Chris Alabi Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Breaking rules to improve drug discovery and delivery
Joe Skovira Senior Lecturer in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Embedding systems to make things work better
Christoph Studer Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Doing things differently to improve wireless communications
Paulette Clancy Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Taking risks and solving real-world problems
Lynden Archer Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Challenging conventional thought to make better batteries
Matthew Paszek Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Breaking rules to learn more about cancer cells
Terry Jordan Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Breaking barriers to learn more about shale
Natalie Mahowald Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Breaking new ground to model the atmosphere
Susan Riha Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Modeling plant-soil-atmosphere interactions to solve global problems
Geoff Abers Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Seeing the invisible to better understand volcanoes and earthquakes
Matthew Reid Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering ecosystems to protect water quality
John Albertson Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Building a bridge from raw data to decision makers
David Kammer Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Taking a closer look at friction
Samitha Samaranayake Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Using data to create transportation solutions
Rowena Lohman Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Developing new ways to see under the surface
Frances Vanek Senior Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Returning home, to focus on sustainability
Iwijn de Vlaminck Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Breaking rules to create new diagnostic tools
Guillaume Lambert Professor of Applied and Engineering Physics, Pushing boundaries to better understand complex bacterial behaviors
Steven Adie Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Breaking rules to create unique imaging capabilities
Ilana Brito Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Breaking rules to help create a new field
Fengqi You Professor of Systems Engineering and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Breaking rules to solve complex problems
Craig Fennie Professor of Applied and Engineering Physics, Asking new questions to learn more about superconductors
Jeffrey Moses Professor of Applied and Engineering Physics, Breaking rules to slow down time