Engineering Career Center
Engage with Cornell Engineers
Thank you for your interest in Cornell Engineering and Tech talent. We are here to assist with any of your recruiting/campus branding needs. Our Employer Relations Manager, Jennifer Soprano, is eager to help you develop your strategy. Connect with her by email, eng-recruiting@cornell.edu with any questions or schedule a time directly on her Calendar.
Posting Positions Using Handshake
The best way to reach your target population is to post positions in Cornell Handshake, which is our student portal for full-time jobs, internships, summer jobs, and upcoming career events. You may post positions for Cornell students and alumni at no charge. Handshake also allows you to post those positions to all the schools you are connected too, not only Cornell.
We recommend First-time Handshake users review Handshake's Getting Started with Handshake: Employers Guide. Complete instructions for posting positions in Handshake can be found in the website's Help section.
Career Fairs
Cornell Career Services hosts multiple career fairs of various size and scope throughout the academic year. This includes their flagship fairs; the University-Wide Career Fair Days (2-day event) held in the fall semester and the University-Wide Spring Career Fair. For more information about Cornell Career Fair offerings, please visit Cornell Career Services.
Information Sessions
Whether you are planning an information session, a tech talk, a case interview workshop, coffee chats, or something similar, a meaningful event can enhance your overall campus recruiting strategy. It allows you to promote your organization, its opportunities and meet prospective candidates.
- Select your date: Request your first date choice using Handshake; we also ask you include a backup date. Requests for in-person and virtual events should be submitted 3 weeks prior to your event.
- Resources on How to Request an Event are available through the Handshake Help Center.
- Indicate the student organization you are currently working with or would like to work with.
- Engineering Career Center will confirm logistics for your event within 2 business days.
Alumni Career Conversations
Calling all Cornell Engineering Alumni! Looking for a way to give back? Participate in a career conversation with current students to share your career path, industry knowledge, and expertise. These conversations are a great opportunity for students to learn about potential career fields of interest and to hear first-hand how our alumni are using their degrees. Career conversations are intended to be an informal discussion (not a structured presentation) with 10-20 students about your career path and industry experience. We recommend the alumnus/a provide a brief introduction and then open up the session to student questions.
If you are interested in speaking with students through a career conversation, please complete this brief Qualtrics survey, and our staff will follow up with you.
Scheduled Interview Day: In-Person or Virtual
The Engineering Career Center is excited to partner with you to host either on-campus or virtual interviews. We work with Cornell Career Services to coordinate on-campus interviews for all undergraduates and most engineering and STEM graduate students. For populations outside of this, please refer to Cornell Career Services. Please request your interview date using Handshake and select Engineering Career Center as the hosting office. Your visit will be managed via Handshake from there.
Co-operative Education Experience
Can you hire a Cornell Engineer during the academic year? Yes! The Cornell Co-operative Education Experience is a paid educational experience that integrates academic and career interests with industry experience. Students may formally enroll in the co-op program during a fall or spring semester. Visit our Co-operative Education Experience page for more information, or contact engr_coop@cornell.edu.
International Recruiting
International students come from all over the world to learn, explore, and create solutions to new problems here at Cornell. While many students do plan to return home, most place a high value on U.S. work experience. Cornell University's International Students & Scholars Office offers guidance for employers with their Employer's Guide to Hiring International Students.