Shivaun Archer receives outstanding teaching award from ASEE
Award recognizes contributions to biomedical engineering curriculum development and commitment to students. Read more about Shivaun Archer receives outstanding teaching award from ASEE
The IEEE Grade of Fellow is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors upon persons with outstanding records of accomplishment in any of the IEEE fields of interest.
We learned today that the IEEE Board of Directors elevated Professors Alyssa Apsel and Aaron Wagner to IEEE Fellows. Alyssa Apsel was recognized for her contributions to radio frequency and optical communications circuits and systems, while Aaron Wagner was recognized for contributions to distributed data compression.
Alyssa Apsel, director of Cornell ECE, focuses her research ion power-aware mixed signal circuits and design for highly scaled CMOS and modern electronic systems. She is currently working on low power radio for IoT and reconfigurable multi-standard radio to extend the reach of wireless communications.
Aaron Wagner studies problems at the intersection of information theory and other fields including networking, statistics, queueing theory, security, computational linguistics, and learning. His primary research interest lies in information theory, especially compression, feedback communication, security, and quantum information.
The IEEE Grade of Fellow is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors upon a person with an outstanding record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. The total number selected in any one year cannot exceed one-tenth of one- percent of the total voting membership. IEEE Fellow is the highest grade of membership and is recognized by the technical community as a prestigious honor and an important career achievement.
With more than 400,000 members in 160 countries, IEEE is the world’s leading professional association for advancing technology for humanity, in a wide variety of research areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power and consumer electronics. The association publishes 30 percent of the world’s literature in the electrical and electronics engineering and computer science fields, and has developed more than 1300 active industry standards.
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