Cornell students on a camping trip in Uluru, Australia.

Study Abroad Planning Guides

The plans below are offered as a general guide of how one might sequence courses if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad. These plans are not intended to represent the only way to include a semester abroad while completing degree requirements, but they can work for many students. Students should use these as a starting point for planning, should discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan.

Students should consult the Study Abroad Policies and Credits and the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook.

Pre-Approved Study Abroad Courses

Sydney, Australia Opera House

2024-2025 Study Abroad Planning Guides

Please note: The guides below only reflect the current academic year. If this plan is different than previous years, please consult with Engineering Advising for further guidance.

Pre-Approved Study Abroad Courses

Biological Engineering

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This plan is offered as a general guide of how one might plan a course sequence if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad into the BE curriculum. It is not the only way to include a semester abroad while meeting degree requirements, but it is a plan that may work for many students. Students should use this as a starting point for planning, discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan. Students should also consult with their major department regarding how any major curriculum changes might impact this plan.

First Year Fall SemesterFirst Year Spring Semester

MATH 1910

MATH 1920

CS 111X 


CHEM 2090 (Or CHEM 2070 for CALS students only)

PHYS 1112


PHYS 1110


Intro Bio*

Physical Education


Physical Education

Second Year Fall Semester Second Year Spring Semester

MATH 2930

MATH 2940

Intro Bio*

ENGRD 2020

ENGRD 2600 or ENGRD 2510

BEE 2220 or PHYS 2213

PHYS 2213 or ENGRD 2210

CHEM 1570 or CHEM 3530

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Third Year Fall Semester    Third Year Spring Semester-Abroad**

BEE 3310

Liberal Studies

BEE 3500

Advisor Approved Elective

CEE 3040 or ENGRD 2700

Advisor Approved Elective


Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Fourth Year Fall Semester    Fourth Year Spring Semester

Focus Area Elective*

BEE 3400

Focus Area Elective*

BEE 3600

Focus Area Elective*

BEE 4500

Upper Level Biology*

Capstone Design

Major Approved Elective*

Focus Area Elective*

*Consult the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook and the BE website for additional guidance and requirements.

**Those interested in a year abroad should consult with Engineering Advising about the University of Cantabria Exchange Program.

Biomedical Engineering

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This plan is offered as a general guide of how one might plan a course sequence if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad into the BME curriculum. It is not the only way to include a semester abroad while meeting degree requirements, but it is a plan that may work for many students. Students should use this as a starting point for planning, discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan. Students should also consult with their major department regarding how any major curriculum changes might impact this plan.

First Year Fall SemesterFirst Year Spring Semester

MATH 1910

MATH 1920

CHEM 2090 

PHYS 1112

BIOMG 1350

PHYS 1110 


CS 1112 



Physical Education

Physical Education

Second Year Fall Semester Second Year Spring Semester

MATH 2930

PHYS 2214 or CHEM 1570/3530/3570$

PHYS 2213

BME 2010

BME 2000/ENGRD 2202

BME 2080* (Experiential Learning Seminar)

ENGRD 2020 

BME 2110 

Liberal Studies

MATH 2940

Third Year Fall Semester    Third Year Spring Semester-Abroad

BTRY 3010

Advisor Approved Elective

BME 3010

Advisor Approved Elective

BME 2210 

 Liberal Studies

BME 3030

Liberal Studies

BME 2081

Liberal Studies

BME Concentration Course 1%

Fourth Year Fall Semester    Fourth Year Spring Semester

BME 4010

BME 4020

BME 4080

BME 4090

BME 4x90 Concentration Laboratory

BME Concentration Cornerstone (3x10)

BME Concentration Course 2

BME 3020**

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

% Concentration Courses are offered and can be taken in either the Fall or Spring semesters. In this path, the 8th semester MUST be the BME 3x10 required concentration course, in which case the 5th semester course must be met by alternative prerequisites.

$ Only one of these courses are required for a concentration, which in the case of CHEM 1570 can be waived by the completion of Pre-medicine organic chemistry (CHEM 3570).

* The Experiential Learning Seminar is one credit spread across two semesters.

** BME 3020 is a prerequisite for the MCSE concentration lab (BME 4190). Therefore, those interested in the MCSE concentration or those in the BMDD concentration planning to take BME 4190 would need to take BME 3020 in Spring of Sophomore year or should consider a summer abroad experience instead.

Consult the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook and the BME website for additional guidance and requirements.

Chemical Engineering

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This plan is offered as a general guide of how one might plan a course sequence if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad into the CHEME curriculum. It is not the only way to include a semester abroad while meeting degree requirements, but it is a plan that may work for many students. Students should use this as a starting point for planning, discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan. Students should also consult with their major department regarding how any major curriculum changes might impact this plan.


First Year Fall Semester     First Year Spring Semester

MATH 1910

MATH 1920


CS 111X 

CHEM 2090

CHEM 2080 (this course also fulfills one of the two required Advisor Approved Elective requirements)*


PHYS 1112 

Physical Education

PHYS 1110 


Physical Education

Second Year Fall Semester     Second Year Spring Semester

MATH 2930

MATH 2940 or ENGRD 2700 or CEE 3040*

ENGRD 2190

CHEM 2900 

CHEM 3890

CHEM 3900

PHYS 2213

CHEME 3230

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Third Year Fall SemesterThird Year Spring Semester-Abroad** 
CHEME 3130

Liberal Studies

CHEME 3240

Advisor Approved Elective*

CHEM 3570 or 3590

CHEME 3320 

CHEM 2510

CHEME 3720

Major Approved Biology Elective*

CHEME 3900

Fourth Year Fall Semester Fourth Year Spring Semester

Major Approved Elective*

CHEME 3010

Adv. CHEME Elective*

Major Approved Elective*

Major Approved Elective*

Adv. CHEME Elective*

CHEME 4320*

CHEME 4620

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

*Consult the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook and the CHEME website for additional guidance and requirements.

**CHEME students hoping to study abroad should consider summer study or the University of Cantabria during the spring of Junior year. Otherwise, they will need to find an equivalent of CHEME 3130 and 3240 during the Fall of Junior year or CHEME 3720, 3900, and 3320 during the Spring of Junior year at another study abroad program to stay on track with the major.  

Civil Engineering

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This plan is offered as a general guide of how one might plan a course sequence if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad into the CE curriculum. It is not the only way to include a semester abroad while meeting degree requirements, but it is a plan that may work for many students. Students should use this as a starting point for planning, discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan. Students should also consult with their major department regarding how any major curriculum changes might impact this plan.

First Year Fall SemesterFirst Year Spring Semester

MATH 1910

MATH 1920


CS 111X

CHEM 2090

PHYS 1112


PHYS 1110

Physical Education


Physical Education

Second Year Fall SemesterSecond Year Spring Semester

MATH 2930

MATH 2940


Physics 2214

ENGRD 2020

CEE 3710*

PHYS 2213

ENGRD 3200*

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Third Year Fall SemesterThird Year Spring Semester-Abroad   

CEE 3040 (or ENGRD 2700 by petition)

Advisor Approved Elective

BEE 2510

Advisor Approved Elective (Additional Science)*

CEE 3310

Liberal Studies

CEE 3410

Liberal Studies

Major Approved Elective*

Liberal Studies

Fourth Year Fall Semester Fourth Year Spring Semester   

CEE Design Elective*

CEE 3230

CEE Design Elective*

MAE 2030 or CEE 4780*

 Engineering Communications

CEE 3610

Major Approved Elective*

Liberal Studies

 CEE Capstone Design*

*Consult the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook and the CE website for additional guidance and requirements.

**Those interested in a year abroad should consult with an advisor about the Cornell-Cantabria program.

Computer Science

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This plan is offered as a general guide of how one might plan a course sequence if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad into the CS curriculum. It is not the only way to include a semester abroad while meeting degree requirements, but it is a plan that may work for many students. Students should use this as a starting point for planning, discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan. Students should also consult with their major department regarding how any major curriculum changes might impact this plan.

First Year Fall SemesterFirst Year Spring Semester

MATH 1910

MATH 1920

CS 111X


CHEM 2090

PHYS 1112


PHYS 1110 

Physical Education


Physical Education

Second Year Fall SemesterSecond Year Spring Semester

MATH 2940


PHYS 2213

CHEM 2080*

CS 2110

CS 3410/3420 or CS 3110

CS 2800

Major Elective*

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Third Year Fall Semester Third Year Spring Semester-Abroad

CS 3110 or CS 3410/3420

Advisor Approved Elective

CS 3700 or CS 3780

Liberal Studies

Advisor Approved Elective

Major Elective*!

Major Elective*

Major Elective*!

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Fourth Year Fall SemesterFourth Year Spring Semester

Major Elective*

CS 4820 or CS 4410/4414

Major Elective*

Major Elective*

CS Project Course*

Major Elective*

CS 4410/4414 or CS 4820

Major Elective*

Liberal Studies

*Consult the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook and the CS website for additional guidance and requirements.

!ONLY Tech Electives, External Specialization, or Major-approved during SA semester, not CS 4000+ electives or CS core.

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

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This plan is offered as a general guide of how one might plan a course sequence if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad into the EAS curriculum. It is not the only way to include a semester abroad while meeting degree requirements, but it is a plan that may work for many students. Students should use this as a starting point for planning, discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan. Students should also consult with their major department regarding how any major curriculum changes might impact this plan.

First Year Fall SemesterFirst Year Spring Semester

MATH 1910

MATH 1920


CS 111X

CHEM 2090

PHYS 1112


PHYS 1110

Physical Education


Physical Education

Second Year Fall Semester Second Year Spring Semester

MATH 2930

MATH 2940


CHEM 2080*

EAS 2250

EAS Concentration Course*

PHYS 2213


Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Third Year Fall SemesterThird Year Spring Semester-Abroad**

EAS Core Course*

Liberal Studies

EAS Core Course*

Advisor Approved Elective

Major Approved Elective*

Advisor Approved Elective


Field Course*

Liberal Studies

Advisor Approved Course*

Fourth Year Fall Semester Fourth Year Spring Semester

EAS Concentration Course*

EAS Concentration Course*

EAS Core Course*

Liberal Studies

Outside Elective*

Outside Elective*

Outside Elective*

Liberal Studies

EAS Concentration Course*

EAS Concentration Course*

*Consult the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook and the EAS website for additional guidance and requirements.

**Those interested in a year abroad should consult with an advisor about the Cornell-Cantabria Exchange Program.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

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This plan is offered as a general guide of how one might plan a course sequence if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad into the ECE curriculum. It is not the only way to include a semester abroad while meeting degree requirements, but it is a plan that may work for many students. Students should use this as a starting point for planning, discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan. Students should also consult with their major department regarding how any major curriculum changes might impact this plan.


First Year Fall Semester First Year Spring Semester

MATH 1910

MATH 1920


CS 111X

CHEM 2090

PHYS 1112


PHYS 1110

Physical Education


Physical Education

Second Year Fall Semester Second Year Spring Semester

MATH 2930

MATH 2940

PHYS 2213

PHYS 2214





Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Third Year Fall Semester-Abroad**Third Year Spring Semester**

Outside Technical Elective

ECE Foundation Course*

Outside Technical Elective

ECE Foundation Course*

Liberal Studies

ECE Foundation Course*

Advisor-Approved Elective

Liberal Studies

Advisor-Approved Elective or ECE Elective 3XXX* 

Advisor-Approved Elective or ECE Elective 3XXX*

Fourth Year Fall Semester Fourth Year Spring Semester

Outside Technical Elective

ECE Elective 4XXX*

ECE CDE course*

ECE Elective 4XXX*

ECE Elective 3XXX*

Liberal Studies

ECE Elective 3XXX*

Liberal Studies

*Consult the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook and the ECE website for additional guidance and requirements.

**Those interested in a year abroad should consult with an advisor about the Cornell-Cantabria Exchange Program.

Engineering Physics

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This plan is offered as a general guide of how one might plan a course sequence if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad into the EP curriculum. It is not the only way to include a semester abroad while meeting degree requirements, but it is a plan that may work for many students. Students should use this as a starting point for planning, discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan. Students should also consult with their major department regarding how any major curriculum changes might impact this plan.


First Year Fall SemesterFirst Year Spring Semester

MATH 1910

MATH 1920


CS 111X

CHEM 2090

PHYS 1112 or 1116


PHYS 1110 

Physical Education


Physical Education

Second Year Fall Semester  Second Year Spring Semester

MATH 2930

MATH 2940

PHYS 2213 or 2217

PHYS 2214 or 2218 (and PHYS 2210)*


AEP 3200

Advisor-Approved Elective

AEP 3630

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies                                                                                 

Third Year Fall Semester   Third Year Spring Semester-Abroad

AEP 3330

AEP 3550

AEP 4200

Advisor-Approved Elective

AEP 3610

Liberal Studies

Major Approved Elective*

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Fourth Year Fall SemesterFourth Year Spring Semester

AEP 4230

AEP 4340

PHYS 4410

AEP 3620

Major Approved Elective*

Major Approved Elective*

Major Approved Elective*

Major Approved Elective*

Major Approved Elective*

*Consult the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook and the AEP website for additional guidance and requirements.

Environmental Engineering

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This plan is offered as a general guide of how one might plan a course sequence if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad into the ENVE curriculum. It is not the only way to include a semester abroad while meeting degree requirements, but it is a plan that may work for many students. Students should use this as a starting point for planning, discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan. Students should also consult with their major department regarding how any major curriculum changes might impact this plan.


First Year Fall SemesterFirst Year Spring Semester

MATH 1910

MATH 1920

CS 111X 


CHEM 2090 (or CHEM 2070 for CALS students only)

PHYS 1112


PHYS 1110 

Physical Education


Physical Education

Second Year Fall Semester Second Year Spring Semester


BEE 2220 or ENGRD 2210*

MATH 2930

MATH 2940

PHYS 2213

CHEM 1570 or CHEM 3530


CEE 3510

Intro Bio*

ENGRD 3200

Third Year Fall SemesterThird Year Spring Semester-Abroad

CEE 3040

Advisor Approved Elective

Major Approved Elective*

Advisor Approved Elective

CEE 3310

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Earth Science*

Fourth Year Fall Semester Fourth Year Spring Semester

Design Elective*

Capstone Design*

Liberal Studies

Design Elective*

BEE 4750

Major Approved Elective*

Major Approved Elective*

CEE 3230

Lab Course*

Liberal Studies

*Consult the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook and the EnvE website for additional guidance and requirements.

**Those interested in a year abroad should consult with an advisor about the Cornell-Cantabria Exchange Program.

Information Systems, Science, and Technology

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This plan is offered as a general guide of how one might plan a course sequence if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad into the ISST curriculum. It is not the only way to include a semester abroad while meeting degree requirements, but it is a plan that may work for many students. Students should use this as a starting point for planning, discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan. Students should also consult with their major department regarding how any major curriculum changes might impact this plan.

First Year Fall SemesterFirst Year Spring Semester

MATH 1910

MATH 1920

CS 111X


CHEM 2090

PHYS 1112


PHYS 1110 

Physical Education


Physical Education

Second Year Fall Semester   Second Year Spring Semester

MATH 2940

MATH 2930, MATH 3040, or CS 2800

ENGRD 2700


INFO 2040

INFO 1300

PHYS 2213

PHYS 2214*

INFO 2450 or ENGRC 3350

INFO 1260

Third Year Fall Semester Third Year Spring Semester-Abroad

Conc. I course*

Liberal Studies

ORIE 3500

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Advisor Approved Elective

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies/Major Approved Elective**

Advisor Approved Elective

Liberal Studies/Major Approved Elective**

Fourth Year Fall Semester Fourth Year Spring Semester

Major Approved Elective/Liberal Studies**

Major Approved Elective/Liberal Studies**

Conc. I course*

ORIE 3120

Conc. I course*

Conc. I course*

ML/Data Science

Conc. II course*

Conc. II course*

Conc. II course*

*Consult the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook and the ISST website for additional guidance and requirements.

**Students can transfer up to two courses to count as Major Approved Electives in the ISST major.

Materials Science and Engineering

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This plan is offered as a general guide of how one might plan a course sequence if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad into the MSE curriculum. It is not the only way to include a semester abroad while meeting degree requirements, but it is a plan that may work for many students. Students should use this as a starting point for planning, discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan. Students should also consult with their major department regarding how any major curriculum changes might impact this plan.

First Year Fall SemesterFirst Year Spring Semester

MATH 1910

MATH 1920


CS 111X

CHEM 2090

PHYS 1112


PHYS 1110 

Physical Education

MSE 2060 


Physical Education

Second Year Fall Semester   Second Year Spring Semester-Abroad

MATH 2930

Advisor Approved Elective or Liberal Studies

PHYS 2213

Advisor Approved Elective or Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

ENGRD 2610

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Third Year Fall Semester Third Year Spring Semester

MSE 3110

MSE 3070

MSE 3010

MSE 3120

MSE 3030

MSE 2620

MATH 2940

MSE 3040

Liberal Studies or Advisor Approved Elective#

MSE 3050 or MSE 4020

Liberal Studies or Advisor Approved Elective#

Fourth Year Fall Semester Fourth Year Spring Semester

MSE 4071*

MSE 4070

MSE 4030








*Consult the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook and the MSE website for additional guidance and requirements.

! Some ENGRD 2XXX's satisfy the MSE advanced mathematics requirement-consult the MSE website.  This requirement is typically fulfilled by one of the Engineering Distribution, Advisor-approved elective, Materials Application-related Elective, or non-MSE Technical Elective Courses.

# Depending on which courses were taken abroad

Mechanical Engineering

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This plan is offered as a general guide of how one might plan a course sequence if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad into the ME curriculum. It is not the only way to include a semester abroad while meeting degree requirements, but it is a plan that may work for many students. Students should use this as a starting point for planning, discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan. Students should also consult with their major department regarding how any major curriculum changes might impact this plan.


First Year Fall SemesterFirst Year Spring Semester

MATH 1910

MATH 1920


CS 111X

CHEM 2090

PHYS 1112


PHYS 1110 

Physical Education


Physical Education

Second Year Fall Semester Second Year Spring Semester

MATH 2930

MATH 2940

ENGRD 2210

MAE 2030

ENGRD 2020

MAE 2250

PHYS 2213

Technical Elective*

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Third Year Fall Semester   Third Year Spring Semester-Abroad**

MAE 3260

MAE 3240

MAE 3270

MAE 3780 or ENGRD 2100 or PHYS 3360

MAE 3230

Math Elective* 

Advisor Approved Elective 

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

PHYS 2214 

Fourth Year Fall Semester Fourth Year Spring Semester

MAE 4300

Advisor Approved Elective 

MAE 4272

Liberal Studies

Major Approved Elective*

MAE Senior Design*

Liberal Studies

Major Approved Elective*

Major Approved Elective*

* Consult the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook and the MAE website for additional guidance and requirements.

**It is typically not possible for Mechanical Engineering students to study abroad during senior year.

Operations Research and Engineering

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This plan is offered as a general guide of how one might plan a course sequence if the goal is to incorporate a semester of study abroad into the ORE curriculum. It is not the only way to include a semester abroad while meeting degree requirements, but it is a plan that may work for many students. Students should use this as a starting point for planning, discuss options with their advisors, and make use of other advising resources to devise an individual plan. Students should also consult with their major department regarding how any major curriculum changes might impact this plan.

First Year Fall SemesterFirst Year Spring Semester

MATH 1910

MATH 1920


 CS 111X

CHEM 2090

PHYS 1112


PHYS 1110 

Physical Education


Physical Education

Second Year Fall SemesterSecond Year Spring Semester

MATH 2940

MATH 2930, 3040, or CS 2800

ENGRD 2700

ORIE 3120

CS 2110

PHYS 2214*

PHYS 2213

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Advisor Approved Elective

Third Year Fall Semester Third Year Spring Semester-Abroad

ORIE 3300

ORIE 3510**

ORIE 3500

Major Approved Elective*

ORIE 3150

Advisor Approved Elective

Major Approved Elective*

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies

Fourth Year Fall Semester Fourth Year Spring Semester

Major Approved Elective*

ORIE Elective*

ORIE Elective*

ORIE Elective*

ORIE 4580

Liberal Studies

Major Approved Elective*

ORIE 3310

*Consult the Engineering Undergraduate Handbook and the ORE website for additional guidance and requirements.

**ORIE 3510 can also be postponed until the Fourth Year Spring Semester if needed.