David Gries retired in 2011 but continues to teach, mainly the course CS2110, OO Programming and Data
Structures, which in Spring 2018 had 609 students. He received his BS in Math from Queens College, NY in 1960,
his MS in Math from Illinois in 1963, and his Dr. rer. nat. from MIT ---the Munich Institute of Technology,
Germany, now the Technical University Munich--- in 1966. After three years as an assistant professor of CS at
Stanford, he joined Cornell's CS Department and has been here ever since, except for a two-year stint at the
University of Georgia.
He was Chair of CS (1982-1988) and served as associate dean of engineering for undergrad programs (2003-2011).
He was also Chair of the Computing Research Board in the late 1980s, spearheading its morph into the CRA
(Computing Research Association) ---opening an office in Washington and beginning to actively represent the
research and education interests of CS there.
He was active in editorial duties. After about 40 years as editor and managing co-editor of IPL (Information
Processing Letters), he was given the title of Honorary Editor-in-Chief. He has been been editor of the Springer
Verlag Series on Texts and Monographs in Computer Science since 1973.
His main research interests over the years have been on compiler writing, programming methodology, teaching
programming, and related subjects. Bringing research advances in programming methodology has been a particular
pursuit, and he is proud to have been among the first ten Weiss Presidential Fellows at Cornell.
He has had 20 PhD students. The PhD. Thesis of T.V. Raman won the international ACM Dissertation Award in
Research Interests
Selected Publications
- Multimedia Introduction to Programming Using Java", 536 pages, New York, United States:Springer Verlag 2004 , "
- A Logical Approach to Discrete Math", 500 pages,.New York, United States:Springer Verlag 1993. ."
- The Science of Programming" .Springer Verlag, 350 pages, New York 1981,.(Translated into Russian and Japanese.) , "
- Compiler Construction for Digital Computers". John Wiley and Sons, New York, 491 pages 1971, (Translated into Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Italian and Russian. The first text on compilers.) "
- "Adding the everywhere operator to propositional logic."Journal of Logic and Computation8(1):119-130, 1998. .
Selected Awards and Honors
- Doctor of Science (Honorary)(Miami University, Oxford, Ohio) 1999
- Doctor of Laws (Honorary)(Daniel Webster College, Nashua, NewHampshire) 1996
- 1995 ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award(Feb. 1996)
- 1995 Weiss Presidential Fellow(for contributions to unergrad eduation) Cornell
- 1994 Taylor L. Booth Education Award, IEEE Computer Society (Dec.1995)
- B.S.(Mathematics),Queens College, 1960
- M.S.(Mathematics),University of Illinois, 1963
- Dr.. Rer. Nat.(Mathematics), Munich Institure of Technology, Germany, 1966