Picture of Thomas Ristenpart

Thomas Ristenpart

Associate Professor
Computer Science
Cornell Tech 302


Thomas Ristenpart is an Associate Professor at Cornell Tech and a member of the Computer Science department at Cornell University. Before joining Cornell Tech in May 2015, he spent four years as an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

His research spans a wide range of computer security topics, with a recent focus on cloud computing security, as well as topics in applied and theoretical cryptography.

His work has been featured in numerous publications including the New York Times, The MIT Technology Review, ABC News, and U.S. News and World Report.

Research Interests

Computer security: security of systems under attack; applied cryptography; privacy; cloud computing secu- rity; embedded systems security; machine learning security Cryptography: provable security; cryptographic hash functions; encryption; key exchange; signatures; PKI; message authentication; foundations of cryptography

Selected Publications

  • Chatterjee, Rahul , Anish Athayle, Devdatta Akawhe, Ari Juels, Thomas Ristenpart.  2016.  "pASSWORD tYPOS and How to Correct Them Securely."  Paper presented at Symposium on Security and Privacy - Oakland `16, IEEE
  • Varadarajan, V., Y. Zhang, T. Ristenpart, M Swift.  2015. "A Placement Vulnerability Study in Multi-Tenant Public Clouds.."  USENIX Security 913-928.
  • Dodis, Yevgeniy , Chaya Ganesh, Alexander Golovnev, Ari Juels, Thomas Ristenpart.  2015.  "A Formal Treatment of Backdoored Pseudorandom Generators."  Paper presented at Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2015
  • Chatterjee, Rahul , Joseph Bonneau, Ari Juels, Thomas Ristenpart.  2015.  "Cracking-Resistant Password Vaults using Natural Language Encoders."  Paper presented at Symposium on Security and Privacy - Oakland `15, IEEE
  • Wang, Liang, Kevin Dyer, Aditya Akella, Thomas Ristenpart, Thomas Shrimpton.  2015.  "Seeing through Network Protocol Obfuscation."  Paper presented at Computer and Communications Security - CCS 2015, ACM

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Sloan Foundation Research Fellow 2015
  • Best Paper at USENIX Security 2014
  • New Digital Age grant from Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt for paper 2014
  • NSF CAREER Award 2013
  • Computer Science and Engineering Department Dissertation Award (University of California, San Diego) 2011


University of California, San Diego 2010
