Year2022 | Student OrganizationHack4Impact |
Year2022 | Student OrganizationUnderrepresented Minorities in Computing (URMC) |
Year2021 | Student OrganizationSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) |
Year2020 | Student OrganizationWomen in Computing at Cornell (WICC) |
Year2019 | Student OrganizationAmerican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) |
Year2018 | Student OrganizationEngineering Career Fair Team (ECaFT) |
Year2018 | Student OrganizationSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) |
Year2017 | Student OrganizationCornell Materials Society (CMS) |
Year2016 | Student OrganizationSociety of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) |
Year2015 | Student OrganizationWomen in Computing (WICC) |
Year2015 | Student OrganizationCornell IEEE |
Year2014 | Student OrganizationTau Beta Pi |
Year2014 | Student OrganizationAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) |
Year2013 | Student OrganizationAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers |
Year2013 | Student OrganizationInformation Science Student Association |
Year2012 | Student OrganizationSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) |
Year2011 | Student OrganizationChemical and Biological Engineering Graduate Women's Group (CBEGWG) |
Year2011 | Student OrganizationThe Engineer Peer Advisors |
Year2010 | Student OrganizationWomen in Materials Science and Engineering |
Year2010 | Student OrganizationThe Cornell Biomedical Engineering Society |
Year2009 | Student OrganizationSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) |
Year2008 | Student OrganizationInstitute of Biological Engineering |
Year2008 | Student OrganizationNational Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) |
Year2007 | Student OrganizationSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) |
Year2007 | Student OrganizationAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers |
Year2006 | Student OrganizationInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
Year2005 | Student OrganizationEngineering Student Council |
Year2005 | Student OrganizationAssociation of Computer Science Undergraduates |
Year2004 | Student OrganizationSociety of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) |
Year2004 | Student OrganizationCornell Science and Technology Magazine - SciTech |
Year2003 | Student OrganizationSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) |
Year2003 | Student OrganizationAssociation of Computer Science Undergraduates |
Year2002 | Student OrganizationPhoenix Society |
Year2002 | Student OrganizationAssociation of Computer Science Undergraduates |
Year2002 | Student OrganizationEngineering Student Council |
Year2002 | Student OrganizationNational Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) |
Year2002 | Student OrganizationEngineering Graduate Student Association |
Year2001 | Student OrganizationBiomedical Engineering Society |
Year2001 | Student OrganizationEngineering Council (formerly Engineering Student Leadership Council) |
Year2001 | Student OrganizationSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) |
Year2001 | Student OrganizationEngineering Ambassadors |
Year2000 | Student OrganizationPhoenix Society |
Year2000 | Student OrganizationAssociation of Computer Science Undergraduates |
Year2000 | Student OrganizationEngineering Graduate Student Association |
Year1999 | Student OrganizationAmerican Society of Civil Engineers |
Year1999 | Student OrganizationAdvising |
Year1999 | Student OrganizationSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) |
Year1998 | Student OrganizationAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers |
Year1998 | Student OrganizationAssociation of Computer Science Undergraduates |
Year1998 | Student OrganizationMaterials Research Society |
Year1997 | Student OrganizationBiomedical Engineering Society |
Year1997 | Student OrganizationSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) |
Year1997 | Student OrganizationAssociation of Computer Science Undergraduates |
Year1996 | Student OrganizationEngineering Student Leadership Council |
Year1996 | Student OrganizationAssociation of Computer Science Undergraduates |
Year1995 | Student OrganizationAssociation of Computer Science Undergraduates |
Year1995 | Student OrganizationAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers |
Year1995 | Student OrganizationInstitute of Biological Engineering |
Year1995 | Student OrganizationMu Sigma Tau |
Year1995 | Student OrganizationSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) |
Year1995 | Student OrganizationTau Beta Pi |
Year1994 | Student OrganizationAmerican Society of Agricultural Engineers |
Year1994 | Student OrganizationAmerican Society of Civil Engineers |
Year1994 | Student OrganizationSociety of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) |
Year1994 | Student OrganizationSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) |
Year1993 | Student OrganizationAmerican Society of Agricultural Engineers |
Year1993 | Student OrganizationAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers |
Year1993 | Student OrganizationAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) |
Year1991 | Student OrganizationCU Bioengineering Society |
Year1991 | Student OrganizationSociety of Women Engineers (SWE) |
Year1991 | Student OrganizationEngineering Ambassadors |
Year1991 | Student OrganizationAmerican Society of Agricultural Engineers |
Year1991 | Student OrganizationNational Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) |
Year1991 | Student OrganizationTau Beta Pi |