Engineering Student Project Teams – Recruiting & Applications

Joining an Engineering Student Project Team offers students the opportunity to become part of a diverse, collaborative, and engaging community of students from across Cornell.

Spring 2025 Recruiting

Most teams recruit new students heavily in the fall semester, but many also recruit new members in the spring semester. For the fall, teams follow split timeline with separate deadlines for upperclass and first-year/transfer students. For the spring, teams follow a shared timeline. Timelines are outlined below applications information. 


Students that decide they would like to join a project team will complete a two-part application process.

Step one: Complete the General Project Team Application (Opens Jan. 3, 2025)

This application is common for all Engineering Student Project Teams and collects basic identifying and demographic information. Applicants select which team(s) they are applying to on this general form. This basic information is shared with specific teams once the application period is closed.

Step two: Complete the team-specific application for each team that you are applying to. Each team's application can be found on their team website, listed on our Active Teams page.

Timeline for Spring 2025 Recruiting - All students

DateEvent / Deadline

Fri, Jan. 3

Event / DeadlineRecruiting Begins
General application and team applications will be “open” when recruiting begins. Teams will not review applications before the due date and students will not get an advantage by submitting early. 

Thurs, 1/30, (11:59pm)

Event / DeadlineApplications Due
Each team's application can be found on their team website, listed on our Active Teams page. Project Teams may begin reviewing applications after this date. 
DateWed, 2/12Event / DeadlineUniform First Offer Date
This is the earliest that Project Teams can invite new students to join their team. Applicants must be allowed at least 48 hours to respond. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in only one team for a number of reasons. We encourage you to think carefully about the time and energy that you will be able to devote to your various commitments as you weigh your team offers.

Fri, 2/21

Event / Deadline

Project Team Add Deadline
All students participating in project team work for credit must be enrolled by this deadline. Petitions for late adds, after this date, will not be approved. All new Project Teams students must enroll in ENGRG 1400: Project Teams Onboarding (1 cr, SU) during the second 7-week session of the spring semester. Consult your team leads for guidance. 


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