Other University Resources
You can find academic and personal assistance across the Cornell campus. Below is a list of services that College of Engineering students commonly use.
Academic Integrity
Academic Resources
- Cornell Academics
- Academic Calendar
- Cornell Libraries
- Cornell Centers and Institutes
- Cornell Public Service Center
- Cornell Store
Academic Support Services
- Engineering Advising Office
- Academic Excellence Workshops and Peer Tutoring
- Learning Strategies Center
- Student Disability Services
- Dean of Students Office
- John S. Knight Writing Institute for Writing in the Disciplines
- Student and Campus Life
- Tatkon Center for First-Year Students
- Biology Advising Center
- Mathematics Support Center
- Physics Tutoring
- MIT Open Courseware
- Eta Kappa Nu - Electrical Engineering Honor Society Tutoring
- Khan Academy
Campus Safety
Diversity and Inclusion at Cornell
- Africana Studies and Research Center
- American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program
- Asian American Studies Program
- Cornell's Commitment to Diversity
- The Office of Inclusive Excellence
- Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- Latino Studies Program
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center
- Lesbian, Bisexual, and Gay Studies Program
- Office of Academic Diversity Initiatives
Food Insecurity
Health Services
- Cornell Health
- Empathy, Assistance, and Referral Services (EARS)
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)