UG TA Development

TA Development for Undergraduate Students

Spring 2025 Undergraduate/Masters TA Development training

Tuesday evening, February 4, 2025; time TBA (in-person training)

TA Development Program

Teaching assistants in the College of Engineering are an important part of a teaching and learning continuum, which adds progressive options to the "top down" model of higher education. The awareness is growing that we can learn from our peers and that we all have knowledge to share. By giving TAs a sophisticated understanding of how human learning occurs as well as rigorous training in administrative management responsibilities, we are creating a pool of talent that enriches the pedagogical life of the college.

Some departments require undergraduate TAs to be trained in the following topics through the TA Development program typically in September and February of each year.

  • Grading
  • Diversity in the Classroom
  • Recitation and Lecture
  • Office Hours and Lab
  • Experienced Undergraduate TA Panel Discussion

TA Development Material

The College of Engineering TA Development material contains expert teaching advice, insight, and resources from experienced TAs, ELI's TA Development Consultants, and campus partners. It is our hope that you will find it useful in your assignment of what the material has to offer, we encourage you to spend some time familiarizing yourself with it before you start your work as a TA.

Engineering Learning Initiatives Materials

Campus-Wide Resources