TA Development

Spring 2025 TA Development Training Dates

PhD training: Thursday and Friday, January 16 & 17, 2025, afternoon (in-person)
Masters/UG training: Tuesday, February 4, 2025, evening (in-person)

TA Development Program

  • All new graduate TAs in the College of Engineering must complete the TA Development Program as a condition for receiving certification (and stipend).
  • The engineering training programs are conducted twice a year, once each in the fall and spring semesters.

One-Credit Teaching Seminar (ENGRG 6780)

This seminar will be offered next in Fall 2024 by Engineering Learning Initiatives. The course is offered as an opportunity to enhance the TA experience and TA professional development through reflection and metacognition regarding an individuals’ teaching practice, troubleshooting challenges, and taking a slightly deeper dive into the literature of evidence-based practices, as it benefits individual TAs during the semester.

The course is facilitated by the Associate Director of Engineering Learning Initiatives.

Interactive Learning Collaborative

The Interactive Learning Collaborative (ILC) is a collaboration between ELI and MTEI. It is a low-time investment initiative for course faculty that will support Graduate TA development and will result in the inclusion of several (flexible) short, student-centered, activities into lectures to support learning of challenging concepts. An alternative model is for one TA to design an activity for multiple discussion sections and have all TAs implement in their discussion sections. 

Objectives for this initiative include: 

  1. Increasing TA knowledge and confidence in designing and implementing active learning with support
  2. Help improve students' comprehension of the course material by increasing peer interaction and reflection in the classroom
  3. Facilitate more active learning opportunities in the lecture portions of engineering course while TAs practice student centered pedagogy 

To participate in the ILC, please contacts us at ta-develop-eli@cornell.edu.