Program Requirements
Research hours, schedules, and wages amounts are to be negotiated and agreed upon together by the student and the faculty mentor. Student grant recipients are required to submit both a written report on their research, and an online evaluation of their experience, to Engineering Learning Initiatives at the end of the award period. Students are also required to present their work in an oral or poster presentation either on campus or at an external conference or presentation event.
Students who receive an undergraduate research award typically work on their research projects approximately 10 hours each week during an academic semester or approximately 30 hours a week during the summer term. However, hours may vary depending on the student’s schedule and the needs of the research program.
Engineering Learning Initiatives sponsors an Undergraduate Research Poster Session in late April each year. All students funded in our program during that year or the preceding summer are invited to participate in the poster session. Student researchers may also participate in BioExpo, BOOM, CURB Forum, and other organized research poster sessions on- or off-campus. To meet the presentation requirement associated with the grant, oral or poster presentations should occur at a conference or event with a relatively broad audience, beyond a student's research group or course seminar. Those who have not presented their work at other events are expected to participate in the ELI poster session in April to fulfill the terms of their award.
Undergraduate Research Report Guidelines
Scientific Poster Design
Program Requirement Dates
Award Term | Report and Evaluation Due | ELI Poster Session Option |
Award TermFall semester | Report and Evaluation DueMid-December | ELI Poster Session OptionLate April |
Award TermSpring semester | Report and Evaluation DueMid-May | ELI Poster Session OptionLate April |
Award TermSummer | Report and Evaluation DueMid-August | ELI Poster Session OptionLate April |