Careers in Industry and Government
A successful job search involves using a variety of resources. Cornell Engineering students secure positions by participating in on-campus recruiting (OCR) activities, applying for opportunities posted in Handshake and on company websites, and networking with employers, alumni, and people in their field of interest.
We offer targeted services and resources for undergraduate and graduate students, and employers. Our team specializes in working with students one on one and in small groups to develop individualized career exploration and planning strategies.
Career Development Toolkit
The Career Development Toolkit is your go-to Cornell resource for career-related information on topics such as job searching, networking, résumés, and more! Content is organized in discrete modules that can be completed any time, in any order, and at your own pace. For more info on where you might start in the toolkit based on your needs, see the frequently asked questions below.
Additional Resources
In addition to the myriad of resources in the Career Development Toolkit modules, you may find the websites below useful as well.
Graduate Student Support
Cornell Career Services offers additional career resources for graduate students.
Pathways to Success
The Cornell Graduate School offers these professional development resources. Their website includes information to enhance training opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to prepare for careers beyond conventional academic research.
Graduate Student Career Resources Newsletter
Be sure to activate your Handshake account so that you receive the Cornell Career Services monthly e-newsletter for career related information and job opportunities for graduate students exploring or pursuing careers beyond academia.
Pathways to Science
Search Postdoc opportunities in STEM.
Employer Websites
Not all employers participate in Cornell's On-Campus Recruiting program and/or post positions in Cornell's Handshake database. If you are interested in an employer and they do not recruit at Cornell, visit their website and search for opportunities on their careers or jobs page. Refer to the Networking module in the Career Development Toolkit to learn tips for connecting with individuals at your companies of interest.